Change Momentum

Change momentum is growing in the Upper Room. We’ve been taking seriously something that “theologian” Bart Simpson (please insert smile) once said about contemporary church: “Church is lights, smoke and tae-bo.” We recognize that and we’re disenchanted with the lack of power or relevance of that reality.

We’ve made small changes here and there to match the growing desire to become a community that gathers not around music, preaching, personalities, etc., but around a growing awareness of the Presence in our midst. We’ve added prayer stations where seekers can have time and space to commune with God. We’ve positioned seating into the round so as not to focus on the human leaders up front. We’ve added dialogue to most Sundays to increase learning and thinking about the gospel, culture, and our insatiable hunger for more.

What encourages us the most is the awareness that we are not entrepreneurs making something happen or innovators creating something that has never occurred before. Far from it! Instead, we are keenly aware that every great awakening and deepening of the spiritual life has begun dissatisfaction about the anemia of the status quo and with hunger for more. We are simply following the pathway laid out by hungry souls before us who desired more, yearned for more and refused to be satisfied by less until finally, their souls opened and they discovered the One for whom their soul had been restlessly seeking.

In Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis said, “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."
If you sense down deep in your soul this hunger for more, you are welcome to gather with us as we learn how to gather around the Real Presence of Living God and feast on the Whole Wheat Bread of Life.

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